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Qetu the Evil Doer (Bane Mummy)
Type: Ally
Pool Cost: 3
Required Clan: Follower of Set
Unique mummy with 3 life. 2 bleed, 1 strength.
Once per combat, Qetu can press to end combat. If Qetu is burned, shuffle her into her owner's library.
Artist: Lawrence Snelly

Quicken Sight
Type: Reaction
Disciplines: Auspex & Celerity
[aus][cel] +1 intercept, with an optional maneuver in the resulting combat if this vampire successfully blocks.
[AUS][CEL] As above, but with +2 intercept.
So scented the grim Feature, and upturn'd
His nostril wide into the murky air,
Sagacious of his quarry from so far.
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Artist: Rik Martin

Type: Combat
Blood Cost: 1
Discipline: Celerity
[cel] Additional strike.
[CEL] As above, but this additional strike card does not count against this vampire's additional strike effect limit for this round. A vampire may only play one Quickness each round.
There is no secrecy comparable to celerity.
Francis Bacon, "Of Delay"

Artist: Craig Maher
Sabbat:R SW:R FN:PA Third:R

Quicksilver Contemplation
Type: Action Modifier/Reaction
Blood Cost: 1
Disciplines: Auspex & Temporis
[aus] [REACTION] +1 intercept.
[tem] [REACTION] Reduce a bleed against you by 2.
[aus][tem] [ACTION MODIFIER][REACTION] Only usable during a referendum. Force a younger vampire to abstain from voting. This can cancel that vampire's votes.
Artist: John Bridges

Quick Exit
Type: Combat
Discipline: Obfuscate
[obf] Press, only usable to end combat.
[OBF] Strike: dodge.
Artist: Jeff Miracola
Sabbat:C SW:C

Quick Jab
Type: Combat
Do not replace until after combat.
Strike: hand strike (at strength damage) with first strike. If more than 1 damage is inflicted with this strike, ignore the excess.
Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean,
My fists got hard and my wits got keen.
Shel Silverstein, "A Boy Named Sue"

Artist: Imaginary Friends Studios

Quick Meld
Type: Combat
Discipline: Protean
[pro] Maneuver.
[PRO] As above, and once this round, this vampire may burn 1 blood for an additional maneuver.
So let us melt, and make no noise...
John Donne, "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"

Artist: Randy Gallegos; Paul Ballard
Sabbat:C SW:C KMW:PG Third:C KoT:C

Type: Master
Master: Discipline.
Put this card on a vampire. This vampire gains 1 level of Quietus [qui]. Capacity increases by 1: the vampire is one generation older. Cannot be placed on a vampire with superior Quietus.
Artist: William O'Connor